happy contagion

The pursuit of happiness is a bit selfish, right? Well, no, not really.  Happy individuals are more likely to contribute to society, and their joy is capable of increasing the happiness of community members.  Does the logic sound sketchy?  Here are some facts:

  • Personal suffering takes up a lot of time and energy.  It’s difficult to think about the concerns of the community until you’re comfortable with your own situation.   Happy people, by contrast, are less concerned with their own well-being, and more likely to spend time solving social problems.  Scientists have confirmed a link between happiness and volunteerism.  It seems happy people are consistently looking to give back to the community that fulfills them.  You know the saying misery loves company? Well so does happiness. When you’re happy, you want to share your joy with the people around you.
  • Scientists have confirmed that the happiest people are social creatures that are actively involved in the lives of the people around them.  Surprised?  As a category, social people are more likely to be happy than individuals with hefty bank accounts, regular exercise regimens, or rewarding careers.  A strong social network ensures that we’re aware of the needs of the people around us.  Your sister is going to the airport?  Offer her a ride.  A friend is nervous about a doctor appointment?  Tag along for moral support.
  • Happiness is contagious (emotional contagion) and simply being happy increases the joy of the people around you.  You know about the yawn effect, right?  You yawn and then suddenly the people around you are yawning too?  Well emotions, including happiness, work in a similar way.   Notably, social scientists have confirmed that happiness extends to 3 degrees of separation – that means that your happiness is capable of increasing the happiness of your sister, your sister’s friend, and your sister’s friend’s mom.  Incredible, right?  What’s more, if you’re going through a slump, having a network of happy people increases your chances of becoming happy in the future.  Investing in happy friends almost seems like an insurance policy for a happy future, right?

If being happy is key to increasing the happiness of others, then it almost seems like a duty to make ourselves happy, right?  What little things do you do to increase your own happiness?

11 thoughts on “happy contagion

  1. this is so true, and i’ve never thought of happiness in this way. you’re right, it’s not selfish at all! little things that make me happy are french macarons, fresh flowers (especially peonies in the summer), jasmine green tea, cozy blankets, good books, anything sparkly and my cat phoebe 🙂

  2. It is our duty and…

    (raising my right hand)

    I, MRS N, do solemnly swear that every day I will try my best to be happy and to bring out the happiness in others.


  3. Yay! I find the more social I am the happier I get. Last week was a tough one at work, so I didn’t blog much– now that I am catching up I think its so silly that I forgot how happy reading other blog posts makes me feel 🙂

  4. I definitely think you have a point that personal suffering takes up a lot of time and energy–whether it’s real suffering or suffering inflicted on yourself through an unhappy method of responding to life! I’d say that the “emo” friends of mine by far tend to be more self-centered and bring a whole lot less joy to those around them than people who take a joyful attitude toward life!

  5. Thanks for the great reminder! Since having my babes I’ve been feeling cabin fever… I try make sure I see someone or do something outside of the house each day and this makes a huge difference in how happy I am. Fresh air never hurts!

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