mind your mittens

Too much of a good thing is… well… impossible.  Thing is, if you have lots and lots of something good, that means you have the opportunity to double-up and pass it around and do all sorts of sharing.
 That’s exactly the position I found myself in after buying 3yards of this navy & tribal & gotta-have-every-bit-left-in-the-barrel fabric to make a scarf.  3yards to make a scarf? Like I said, it was lots & lots of a good thing. 
So much goodness, in fact, that I was able to double up (make two) and try to share with someone that might need an extra bit of clothing to keep warm.  I’m volunteering as a home interviewer for Habitat for Humanity (assessing the needs of people who apply for housing), and so I brought the scarf along as a donation tonight.
Except, and I guess I should have known this, Habitat doesn’t take clothing donations. Oops.  What to do with the second scarf? Any suggestions?

18 thoughts on “mind your mittens

  1. They turned out great! I followed suit and bought some fabric for infinity scarves. I still have my other ones to donate too. Let me know where you decide to go. Maybe St. Stephens? I think they have a homeless outreach program in Mpls.

  2. Such a pretty scarf, I absolutely love the fabric! Such a shame that Habitat doesn’t take clothing donations. You are just too good for this world!
    Hope you’re having a wonderful week!

    Sofie x

  3. That fabric is beautiful! I love the excitement of finding really lovely fabric, I’m not surprised you bought it all! I’m sure you can find somebody to give it to 🙂

  4. I know of a couple places around here who work directly with providing food, clothes, shelter to those who need it, but they’re all just local organizations. I’m sure your area must have their own versions!

  5. I was going to suggest a blog giveaway too, those are always so fun! Or if you want to do something more charitable you could always find someone to give it to in your area, I’m sure there are plenty of people that would appreciate a scarf with all that snow! Love the scarf, great job!

  6. Such a cute scarf! Where did you get the fabric? And where I live there is a place called The Storehouse that does food and clothes. I bet if you do a Google search for homeless shelters in your area or clothing donations you could find one. Or you could just keep it in your car and the next time you see someone who looks like they could use an extra lift, give it to them!


  7. Very pretty fabric! I like it! You can donate it to a place called Resource that helps people find jobs. They have a clothes closet. Or another “dress for success” type of place. The DAV (Disabled Veterans, I think) and Lupus Foundation also regularly collect clothing items; they even make pick-ups to your home if you have a bag or more of items to donate. There are also homeless shelters and resource centers around town. Sharing and Caring Hands is a homeless shelter and Pillsbury United Communities has some resource centers.

    • hey morgan! i actually donated it to resource today – i just started working with them as a volunteer photographer. have you been there before? they have a great space and a wonderful donation room (lots of suits donated by men’s warehouse). are you in minneapolis? i’m having trouble clicking through your icon to see your blog 🙂

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