creative intervention

You know that ice breaker where everyone goes around the room and says something interesting about themselves?  How they have a twin or speak 3 languages or won a chili-cooking competition?  The wheels in mind get to spinning whenever I wind up playing, and I usually respond with something anti-climactic like “I read a book a week.”  Read a book a week? That’s more anti-social than interesting, and it usually generates a few (many) odd looks.
Thing is, I’m a bit of an open book, and everyone already knows that I’m silly and thankful and oddly obsessed with BBQ.  Most people know that I studied art and love photography and will do anything for a laugh.  Close friends know that I wear the same outfit over and over if I don’t think I’ll run into the same person.
Blog readers are probably aware that I like public art and collaborative projects.  So if I told you that I joined The League of Creative Interventionists, you probably wouldn’t be too surprised, right?  Image
The League is an international network of individuals that perform a ‘creative intervention’ around a theme every month.  This month, the league asked creative interventionists to create a wall that inspired people to respond to the prompt “my first love was…”  I told my friend Katie about the project, and she suggested we hang the wall at Mall of America so that participants could keep warm.  
Katie wrote ‘music,’ I wrote ‘creativity,’ and we left the rest blank for the public.  What would your answer be?